Open House canceled due to accepted offer – Incredible custom-finished townhome in one of Marina Bay’s most desirable locations! This home combines the best in hosting and entertaining with a custom kitchen and social space featuring Kemper cabinetry, Shivakashi granite, Thermador double oven and other luxurious appliances such as the gas DCS cooktop with indoor grill and under-counter bev-air cooler. The gorgeous master bath renovation is something to see with a jet tub and custom glass shower enclosure with body sprays. Amazing outdoor living add an extension of space with a ground floor patio and two decks. Peeks of the ocean will complete the view! This home is in a class of its own with a one-of-a-kind presentation. You must see this home to appreciate entirely!! PET FRIENDLY. Pls ask agent for details.Community amenities include a POOL, complimentary shuttle to the Red Line, Marina Bay ferry service to Boston full-service marina and new retail and area restaurants.
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